And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. Matt 7:26
If you go up to northern Indiana and drive among the lakes where I used to live, you will occasionally see a house built on a small island. Usually, the only way to reach the house is by water (except when the lake is frozen). Most of them are modest cottages, meant for short stays rather than permanent residence.
But there are a few that are extravagant, and those that own them are always trying to outdo one another. One man decided to take his one-ups-man-ship to a ludicrous level by turning a cottage into a castle. What he did not know (but found out the hard way) was the island he was building on was made of muck. When the lake was being developed, they dredged out channels and swamps to make more lots accessible and piled what they dredged - silty mud, stumps, and a few rocks - into little islands. People would camp and fish on them, maybe put up a little shed for storage, and eventually a cottage.
Our castle-builder took one of those over and before you know it had a very impressive building on it that quickly began to sink into the muck. Engineers and contractors were quickly called in to try and solve the problem, but all they could do was slow it down. There was nothing under the house strong enough to serve as a foundation, so eventually that castle - if it hasn't already - will sink out of sight.
And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matt 7:27
How much was spent on that house? I don't know, but I know how much was lost - all of it. The price of foolishness is always high. How much of your life has been lost to the muck foundations of foolishness and sin? Build on the sure foundation of Christ Jesus and put a stop to all that waste!
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.. Matt 7:24