Monday, June 3, 2013

Traveling Right

When preparing to travel,‭ ‬lay out all your clothes and all your money.‭ ‬Then take half the clothes and twice the money.‭ ~‬Susan Heller
I learned the value of that advice a while back.‭ ‬My Little Pie Baker and I were invited out to west Texas for a weekend,‭ ‬and since they gave us plane tickets,‭ ‬we decided to go.‭ ‬After about the‭ ‬13th stop for a rest on the Death March from the parking garage to the terminal‭ ‬-‭ ‬DFW is mathematically laid out so no matter where you park,‭ ‬you have to cross two county lines and a time zone to get to your gate‭ ‬-‭ ‬I wiped my brow and congratulated my bride.‭ “‬Honey,‭ ‬I never would have thought to pack a toaster oven and‭ ‬14‭ ‬tons of shoes for a weekend trip.‭” ‬For those of you who aren’t paying attention,‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬that was sarcasm.
Anybody who has flown lately knows that there are strict limits on luggage weight and harsh penalties for exceeding it.‭ ‬As in cash.‭ ‬Lots and lots of cash.‭ ‬Airline ticket agents are‭ ‬thrilled to see that scale show‭ ‬1‭ ‬ounce over the limit.‭ “‬Cha-CHING‭!” ‬they say,‭ ‬and‭ “‬Thank you very much‭!” ‬they chirp as they introduce you to their Friendly Customer Service Rottweilers.
What has brought up this particular topic is fairly obvious,‭ ‬I’m sure.‭ ‬In a couple of weeks,‭ ‬I’m joining a group going to Central America for a week.‭ ‬Just yesterday,‭ ‬I received a list of packing suggestions‭ ‬-‭ ‬what to wear,‭ ‬what to pack in my carry-on,‭ ‬what to pack in the single bag‭ (‬49‭ ‬lbs,‭ ‬15‭ ‬Oz,‭ ‬and not a Dorothy or Toto more‭!) ‬I’m allowed to check.‭ ‬Then we talked about what was appropriate to carry‭ ‬-‭ ‬mosquito spray,‭ ‬yes.‭ ‬Anti-tarantula blowtorch,‭ ‬probably not.‭ ‬Tuxedo‭? ‬Not needed.‭ ‬Toilet paper‭? ‬That’s a BIG‭ ‬10-4,‭ ‬little buddy‭!
But I intend to be stingy,‭ ‬because I’m not going all that way to be a Baggage Handler.‭ ‬I don’t want to have to worry about where my‭ “‬stuff‭” ‬is,‭ ‬or what might be happening to it.‭ ‬That was Jesus‭’ ‬advice,‭ ‬anyway:
He said to them,‭ “‬Take nothing for your journey‭ – ‬no staff,‭ ‬no bag,‭ ‬no bread,‭ ‬no money,‭ ‬and do not take an extra tunic.‭ ‬Luke‭ ‬9:3
Talk about traveling light‭! ‬Truth is,‭ ‬we all need to be traveling light,‭ ‬not keeping up with old baggage but discovering God's ability to generously provide.‭ ‬You see,‭ ‬those who intend to follow Him are on a narrow,‭ ‬difficult path.‭ ‬Baggage gets lost,‭ ‬or stolen,‭ ‬or becomes a heavy weight and encumbrance.‭ ‬We are WAY better off‭ “‬down-sizing‭”‬.‭ ‬Then all that energy,‭ ‬attention,‭ ‬and sweat we had been devoting to the luggage can be focused more profitably,‭ ‬and we can concentrate on traveling Right.

Therefore,‭ ‬since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,‭ ‬let us also lay aside every weight,‭ ‬and sin which clings so closely,‭ ‬and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,‭ ‬looking to Jesus,‭ ‬the founder and perfecter of our faith,‭ ‬who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,‭ ‬despising the shame,‭ ‬and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.‭ ‬Hebrews‭ ‬12:1-2‭