The other night my mother's husband told me he had asked my sisters to be ready in case she 'went' before he did. "Ready for what?"
"To pick out her clothes for the casket."
"Because I'm afraid I'd choose something she wouldn't want to be caught dead in."
When I got my breath back and dried my face of the Tears of Mirth, it occurred to me that there might be some things I would rather not be "caught dead in".
Like neck ties. If you come to my funeral, bring a sharp knife or a pair of scissors. If they have knotted a tie around the neck of my corpse, cut it off!! Don't ask permission or forgiveness! I'll thank you in Heaven!
But seriously, there's some other things - more vital than wardrobe - that I think all of us should be thinking about.
Like Forgiveness.
Because if you forgive people their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive people their offenses, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” Matthew 6:14-15
I believe that Jesus meant what He said
And said what He meant
For the Savior is Truthful One Hundred Per Cent.
If clean we've been washed by the Lord's Sacrifice
Then His judgment for us is to be "More than Nice".
"Forgiveness" and "Mercy" aren't just words in a song
But the very lifeblood of the souls in His throng!
As we have received, so freely must give
And the best of His blessing will flow where we live.
(Grateful acknowledgment to Dr. Seuss)
Before God Almighty, we will be ashamed of our hard hearts and stubborn minds, like a thief caught red-handed. No excuse will suffice. No "mitigating circumstance" will compare. Receiving God's forgiveness carries with it the understanding that we will pass it on to other people who don't deserve it any more than we did. And that's where the rubber hits the road. People don't deserve forgiveness. Neither did we. To experience God's best requires that we do what He does. Then indeed, may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:45
So, don't be "caught dead" missing God's best for you!