I thank my God every time I remember you, always praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.
(Philippians 1:3-5)
Are we pets of the Savior, or are we partners in the Gospel?
A roofer once had a dog who could and would bring him tools and materials up a ladder. We've gotten used to the idea of seeing-eye dogs, rescue dogs, and police dogs. There are still many dogs who herd sheep and cattle, and we all know the value of a good hunting dog. But the vast majority of dogs live a different kind of life. Very little is expected of them. Eat. Sleep. Lick. Bark. If their owner is ambitious, maybe Sit, Speak, and Beg are added to their vocabulary. Most dogs are Pets, more decorative than useful. I think they'd be better off as Partners, even though it would mean a drastic change for them, and require much more of their time and effort.
Pets are treated somewhat differently than Partners. They are usually pampered, given special food, attention, even clothing. A Partner is trained, given instruction and expected to accomplish tasks. Pets must be protected. Any action they initiate will likely result in danger to themselves, so the owner carefully hems them in and watches their every move. Partners are trusted. Their training results in their obedience, their obedience results in their protection. Pets are Awarded. Their owners give them blessings which they have not earned out of indulgence. Partners are Rewarded. Blessings are bestowed upon them in response to their work, and both they and their masters are pleased. If things don't go to suit a Pet, he may sull up. If things don't go to suit a Partner, he still shows up.
There are too many Pets in the Body of Christ. Too many people desire the Pampering of Christ, too few walk in the Training of Christ.
Have you heard of Pet Psychology? There's even a Pet Psychic, who tries to tell you what your pet is “feeling”. Here's my psychic psychology for the week: Sulky, depressed, destructive dogs are that way because their lives lack Purpose. Trained, trusted, and involved, they are transformed. I urge you not to live your life seeking to be a Pampered Pet. Instead, pursue a Partnership with Christ and discover the joys of His pleasure.
... I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some. Now I do all this because of the gospel, that I may become a partner in its benefits.
(1 Corinthians 9:22-23)HCSB
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