Monday, October 17, 2016


​​​​I love the LORD ​​​​​​because he heard my plea for mercy, ​​​​​​​and listened to me. ​​​​​​As long as I live, I will call to him when I need help. Psalm 116:1-2
Heard this not long ago: The professional is paid to be good. The amateur is good for nothing.

It was worth a chuckle, but then it started me thinking. Since I receive a salary to serve as pastor, do people consider me to be a "professional Christian"? Honestly, I don't feel very "professional" when it comes to matters of faith. Like you, I find it easier to preach 10 sermons than to live out one! But I'm not like one preacher I heard about. His first sermon at his new church was delivered to great approval from the congregation. The next week, he preached the same message. The third Sunday, same thing. When the peeved members asked him about it, he said, “When you start doing this one, I'll preach you another one.” I'd probably get tired of that long before my listeners, so no risk of that!
Then I asked myself, "What IS the difference between an amateur and a professional, other than cash?" Both have natural talent. Both have skills. Both have admirers. Usually, the professional began as an amateur, then through practice, training, and sweat developed skills that took him or her to the next level, the level where they pay you to do what you love - in the best case scenario, anyway.
So, am I a "professional"? Yes. And no! I receive a salary to enable me the freedom to do what I love in response to God's call, which makes me a professional Pastor. But I'm an Amateur Christian, in the best sense of that word.
Originally, an amateur was "someone who does something out of love". In my piano- and guitar- playing, I'm strictly an
amateur. In singing, maybe I'm "semi-pro", but in matters of faith I'm gloriously, blessedly, amateurishly living for love!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

What has made me "come alive" is not the preaching event – though I love it - or the fancy wardrobe – yeah, right - or the respectful titles – not hardly! - but the Savior who reached out to me in my ignorance and rebellion, forgave my sin, enlivened my soul with His joy and then called me to join him. No matter how I make my living, I hope to always be an Amateur for Jesus, and I hope you are too!

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